Monday, October 11, 2010

Up and Down ....

Lord almighty I hate this dieting up and down crap ... I hate that I am an emotional eater .. I hate that unless I eat like a bird and sweat like a pig I seem to stay where I am ...
I have changed my habits foods wise ... all my intolerant pains have gone ... I know my limits ... I know what to eat .. I have continued to move every day ... 30 mins at least ... BUT still ... Up and Down, Up and Down goes my weight ...
I feel healthier though - even if the scales do not show it ... so I shall continue ... it will happen for me .. I shall continue to be patient and continue to be healthy and happy ...

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Weekly weigh in ... 1cm down in waist measurement and 1.5 kilos down !!
Successfully completed the c25K for the week and Wii'd every other day !!
I am feeling better - not so tired .. back not hurting and all those other strange food related pains have all but disappeared too !
Hoping to feel a lot better once my birthday rolls around in two weeks :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Feeling Fab !

I know that it has hardly been a week ... but I have been moving everyday and have today completed day 3 of c25k !! Yay me ! And today felt good again ... the last run was a struggle - but I am feeling healthier and waking easier - and - I am eating better too - once I start feeling better about the moving I am doing I just don't want to eat too much crap. Now don't get me wrong .. I haven't suddenly turned vegan or into no fat Nazi ... just not as much crap in between meals :)
Just thought I would update coz I am feeling fine and thought you might want to know !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ok .. Now We Are Getting Serious !

The motivation was there a couple of weeks back .. but only to a degree ... I didn't really do much toward the old .. lose weight feel great goal .. and was starting to feel rather guilty. A purchase of the Wii Fit Plus on a rather warm day (reminding me that summer isn't too far away - along with less clothes and more skin EEK!) put me in the frame of mind to start walking the walk (mind the pun!)
I weighed in ... got a little depressed .. the 5ks I thought I must have gained since my weight loss last year was actually 9 kilos. BUT it was the slap in the face I needed .. so I worked out on my Wii on Monday - and started a running program on Tuesday - it is the couch to 5k program - where you work out three times a week (the program this week is alternating between a 1 minute run and a 1.5 min walk). I am thinking at the moment - due to the fact that my fitness is non existant that I might have to repeat week one again (maybe twice more ?!)
So I felt fantastic after day one - TOTALLY doable !! LOVED it !! And yesterday I clocked up 74 mins on my Wii Fit Piggy (Or burned a total of one block of chocolate in calories!!) and today I hit the treadmill again for day two of the the C25K :) ... Little bit of ouch ... little bit of ... is it over yet ... but again .. I DID it !! So proud of me for DOING it !! If I only have to KILL myself 3 days a week and spend the other 4 days on the Wii - I think I can stick to it.
The food I am still working on ... I am a bit of an over indulger but haven't had anything dairy for a few weeks so I am feeling much better! I figure - the more I work out - then naturally I will just start eating less ... already my water intake has gone up - simply because I need it when I work out !!
I promise to keep at the blogging .. I feel it will make me keep on track easier - they say diary writing is what you should do if you want to see change - and I love talking .. so why not ?? !!
Til next time ...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The weekends are always the hardest !

BUT I have not been too evil !
I am trying to start with a healthy breakfast - I am choosing eggs atm coz i am avoiding dairy .... and at a loss for what else to do.
We watched a movie last night and I didn't get out the triple butter popcorn like I normally do so I was pretty proud of that ... speaking of popcorn .. we are taking the kids to see Toy story 3 today - so I know it may not be a great afternoon for me food wise (blush .. at least i am being honest ??!) so I aim to be extra good for the rest of the day.
Kids are back to school tomorrow and I am hoping to make the most of the 'alone time' and get in exercise ... my starting point is to do at least 20 mins a day ... if I can factor that in I will feel good and start seeing benefits.
Speaking of back to school I need to run around and start finding uniforms and stuff before we leave ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

I don't think I can keep her quiet much longer...

Yes - you know her - that skinny girl inside us - you can normally shut her up with chocolate ?? Well My skinny girl doesn't like me eating chocolate anymore ... age related ? Who knows ... but give me anything dairy nowadays and within half hour ... well - you know. :P
So what do we do ?
Here I am ... 35 ... Five kids ... overweight.
Don't get me wrong ... it didn't happen overnight - and although I know I kept a token 5 kilos from each pregnancy .. I have never actually been a 'skinny' person ... yep - my skinny girl has been hiding for YEARS !
Do I want her to come out ? Darn tootin'! I am sick of feeling flabby and slow and no use to anyone .. I don't even feel pretty anymore ... BUT I say that a lot .... so will this time be any different ?
Maybe .... I want to keep a photo log .. and an honest account of what I put into my body and how I expend my energy - at the moment - the most expending I do is housework and walking around the grocery store - obviously - this isn't the kind of sweaty workout that gets results so something has got to give.
History ? Okay - I will share that if you would like me to :)
Never a skinny kid I 'dieted' (starved/binged) my way through my teens (Oh Lord .... if I could ONLY weigh what I did then NOW !!) I got into a relationship with my now hubby and all thoughts of dieting stopped .. after all I had Prince charming and he loved me for me !! Oh so sweet right ?
THEN - he puts a ring on my finger (exciting yes til I realised that it meant pudgy me would be shopping for a wedding dress !) So we hit the pavement (my favourite form of exercise) and watched what I ate and dropped the kilos ... I wasn't a skinny bride (I weighed in at 68 kilos) but I was acceptable.
Then we had kids and although with the first I put on quite a few kilos ... I still only retained 5 kilos after the birth (and still I retain it after 10 years - I am a sentimental kinda gal!) I did this with every child over the next six years (yes - 5 pregnancies in 6 years ... stupid girl!) and then we decided it was time for a holiday ... so I worked out and ate less and even did a stint with Jenny Craig ! I went and lost myself 20 kilos and got down to 80 kilos which when I was pushing 100 seemed rather a nice size to go away in :)
Holiday food and relaxing put on a few kilos and there the climb began again... why ? I don't know ... my biggest problem I think is that whenever I am stressed or angry I eat .. I truly wish I was one of those people who can't eat when they are worried but no not me .. pass the ice cream please !
I can't really blame anyone but me for my weight gain and I know that ... but in my defence I have a husband that has had 2 heart by passes 4 shoulder operations 2 knee ops .. a knee replacement and a mild stoke ... hardly a stress free household ! And half my kids have allergies and/or eczema/asthma. Again ... no ones fault but mine ... but I seem to always be worrying about something ... and then I need to chew (I make myself sound like a cow - but there it is)
So here I am back up near the 100 kilo mark again (a little afraid to weigh myself), I don't feel good about it - I don't like it and I know I am not a good role model for my kids. I want to be a different person ... I don't want to be angry at everyone because I am 'fat' ... I want the world to know that I want to change and I hope that that will give me some incentive to keep going ... if everyone is watching what I do - I hope that I will be more likely to keep doing it.
I will have photos, weight, and measurements to post up soon.
I hope you will join me on my journey, there are sure to be ups and downs - good and bad days ... but I eventually hope to become the fit and healthy mum I know I am on the inside...